PSC Research Support Funds

University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Ann Arbor, United States

The University of Michigan Population Studies Center Training Program offers support for PSC predoctoral and postdoctoral trainees to facilitate research projects and professional development resources and activities.Β The maximum Research Support Fund award is $750 per academic year.

  • All predoctoral trainees and postdoctoral fellows in the PSC training program are eligible to apply.
  • Applicants are only eligible to receive one award from the PSC Research Support Fund within an academic year (September to August). PSC Research Support Fund recipients are still eligible to apply for other awards through the annual PSC small grants program during the same academic year.
  • Recipients who have not submitted the final report for a prior year’s award made through any PSC grant program are not eligible to apply to the PSC Research Support Fund.
  • Trainees who are past-due on program requirements are not eligible to apply.
  • Trainees who are eligible to receive support to attend the annual meeting of the Population Association of America through the PSC training program may not also apply to the Research Support Fund for that purpose in the same year.